Republic of Palau and Chuuk
The Pacific Island culture is represented in Northwest Winterfest by members of the Republic of Palau and Chuuk! There are upwards of 100 members of the culture group and we are excited to celebrate them at Northwest Winterfest!
The winter months are spent celebrating Christmas and New Years with the traditional meals of red potatoes, fish, and hog. Traditional dress of grass skirts and woven clothing pieces are worn to celebrate the winter holidays!
As Palau is the smallest country in the world, the culture group in the Spokane area works to educate others about the exciting culture of the Pacific Islands!

Holiday Traditions

To enjoy the winter holidays, the culture of the Pacific Islands celebrates with lots of dancing, food, and fiestas! Palau Independence Day is celebrated in the winter with lots of decorations put up in the homes of the people involved in the culture group!