The Culture of Cuba
Louie Flores has lived in the Spokane Area for 18 years!
In Cuba, Christmas is called Noche Buena. Noche Buena is all about the food! Families traditionally prepare food days in advance.
When reflecting back on his childhood Christmas celebrations, Louie says “I remember one year he (my dad) bought a LIVE pig home and porky was around for three days before if became part of the celebration.” Louie’s parents were farmers, so preparing the meats for the main course meal came easy to them. Louie says that in watching his parents, you can tell they had prepared many a holiday meal together.
The most traditional holiday meal in Cuba is yuca with mojo or flan! Yuca is a type of fruit that is native to the deserts of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. The fruit is is naturally sweet and is paired with a mojo sauce of bitter orange juice and onion! Yuca mojo is traditionally served alongside rice and beans or roast pork. Flan is a type of custard dessert topped with caramel!
Louie says that growing up he noticed that the only representation of the Cuban people was Ricky Ricardo and Fidel Castro. He hopes that the representation of the Culture of Cuba and the Cuban people will be more accurately represented and understood in the future!