
Directions to Spokane County Fair & Expo Center

Driving Directions

From Eastbound I-90 Coming from Downtown Spokane

  1. Take Exit 283B (Thor-Freya) which leads you onto 3rd Ave.
  2. Continue driving east on 3rd Ave. which runs parallel to the freeway
  3. Turn left (north) on Havana Street and continue north past Sprague Ave. to the parking entrance near the corner of Broadway Ave. and Havana St.
  4. Turn right (east) into the Spokane County Fair & Expo parking area
From the Westbound I-90 Coming from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
  1. Take Exit 286 (Broadway Ave.)
  2. Turn right (west) on Broadway Ave.
  3. Continue west on Broadway Ave. to the parking entrance near the corner of Broadway Ave. and Havana St.
  4. Turn left (south) into the Spokane County Fair & Expo parking area